Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fall Hike

Taking Time Out...

...to enjoy each other and the world that God has created.  These pictures have been sitting in my folder for almost a month. 

 It is the perfect day to get distracted from a project that I have been trying to complete, little by little, and could use distracted from for just a moment.   

We had so much fun.  I noticed as I went through these pictures how much my sons love their dad.  I also was reminded of my sweet younger son that packed his back pack with all the essentials that he thought we would need on a hike ( while everyone patiently uhm..impatiently waited ).  This was our blessing in disguise......for the hike was straight down a trail, with slippy shoes,  and guess what that means.....Yep!  I was slipping and we had to go straight up.  I am not as young as I used to be :-)  This is where the prepared hiker comes in to play.  He pulled out his lasso and lassoed a tree, then threw the end to his Mama so that I could pull my self up.  It was a huge help.  What a sweet boy he is ( at times :-) I am super thankful for these guys!  They grow me, stretch me, think I am super mom, that can hike straight up hills, and just plain make me smile.

Love this picture....so peaceful...but beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder because when I made the comment of how pretty it was several of the others cried, " pretty".  Oh well, I thought it was :-)
We were joking with the guys telling them we were taking our first "selfie"! Terrible pic but fun none the less. :-)) 

This was an acorn war...I wasn't about to get close:-)

Back up we go....and see the lasso guy below...so wonderful!

My encouragement on the way back up :-) So nice of someone to leave this here. 
It was a cloudy dismal day but still fun. 

Quick stop for Mark at his favorite place for hinges.  It is some type of iron works place but has a very nice restaurant also.  


  1. It is great to be able to see pictures of you all from time to time! Wish we could see you in person :)

    1. Anna, It would be awesome! :-)) When are you coming??? Hehe!
