Monday, January 5, 2015

Proof of Newton's Law

I am thinking that I for one, am scientific proof of Newton's first law of motion.  

 It is so hard to get back into the swing of things after a break in our normal schedule!  This "object" at rest really wants to stay there.  So, if you are like me, remember it takes much more force to overcome the friction and get moving.   Definitely speaking to myself here, as the wee one goes to feed the ducks.  I cannot tell you how many times I have had to draw him back this morning.  "No, we cannot build legos this morning, no please put the puzzle down, yes we have a full day, yes we really need to work hard, yes I love break too."    

Reminds me of a book that I read over and over to the children when they were much younger, "Goofy's Big Race ". It was a family favorite and everyone loved the horn...aooohgah! They would giggle with glee.  In this book, Goofy has a phrase that he repeats over and over, ....

Slow and steady, steady and slow, that's the way we always go!  Aoohgah.  Love that phrase.  It is a good reminder to me that no matter how many leaps I want to make, slow and steady accomplishes so much.  Baby steps really are important to reach the goals.  Caution, book spoiler...Goofy won the race against Donald.  Boy was Donald surprised because he was equipped with everything that made it possible to win the race but he did not use it wisely, he wasn't very disciplined.  What an incredible lesson...we have been give everything to run our race too.  The question is how are we going to run it?  Am I willing to lay aside every weight, every sin, that besets me?  Some good thoughts to ponder. 

Time to sign off,,,,the boy is back from the ducks, and the watch he was given, to help keep track of is a huge 
help......he came back early!   

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